IBERIAN LAWYER – Monteiro Rusu and VBSO assists the issue of CRA owed by Katayama

22 Jun IBERIAN LAWYER – Monteiro Rusu and VBSO assists the issue of CRA owed by Katayama

Monteiro Rusu Advogados advised Katayama Alimentos; VBSO Advogados advised Banco Itaú BBA on the structuring of the public distribution with restricted efforts of the 1st and 2nd series of the 148th issue of Certificates of Agribusiness Receivables (CRA) issued by Eco Securitizadora de Créditos do Agronegócio and owed by Katayama Alimentos, based on CVM Instruction 476.

The total value of the issue was R$ 45 million.

Monteiro Rusu acted as legal advisor of Katayama Alimentos, with partners Roberto Rusu, Marina Fenerich and associates Guilherme Vieira Tavares and Bernardo Boulhosa.

VBSO Advogados advised Banco Itaú BBA, as lead coordinator and included partners Erik Oioli, Renato Buranello, Marcelo Winter and José Alves Ribeiro and associate lawyers Leonardo Aguiar Sampaio Pontes, Phillipe Kafer Haacke de Oliveira and Miguel Guardia Favinha.

Read full article: https://thelatinamericanlawyer.com/monteiro-rusu-and-vbso-advises-on-issuance-of-kimberlit/